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European Librarians in African Studies (ELIAS)



In 2005 the first initiative was taken towards forming a network for librarians in African studies across Europe by Africanists librarians in the UK. In 2007 the first ELIAS conference was held in Leiden, The Netherlands.

The ELIAS network is an informal network for all librarians, archivists, documentalists or other information workers working with materials from and about Africa in institutions (libraries, archives, organisations, NGOs etc.) in Europe.


ELIAS exists to


  • promote exchange and cooperation amongst its members;
  • promote information and accessibility of African resource materials of any kind;
  • promote exchange and cooperation with those in other countries, particularly in Africa, with similar concerns;
  • provide activities, platforms and tools to achieve its aims and objective


ELIAS meetings

           2024 in London, Friday 24 May 2024, The National Archives, Kew. Open theme

           2023 in Cologne (Germany). Tuesday 30 May 2023, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. Theme: Images of Africa 

           2022 in Bordeaux, Sciences Po Bordeaux, Friday 24 June 2022 (Programme) ELIAS program 2022.pdf  

           2020 on Zoom, Friday 29 May 2020  

           2019 in Edinburgh, Tuesday 11 June 2019 (the day before ECAS 8). Theme: Religious collections on Africa  – Reading archival & library collections against the grain 
          2018 in Vienna (Austria), Friday 1 June 2018

           2017 in Basel (University Library), Wednesday 28 June 2017 (the day before ECAS 7)

           2016 in Tervuren, Friday 17 June 2016

2015 in Paris, 7th of July 2015, the day before ECAS 6

2014 in Frankfurt

2013 in Lissbon, attached to ECAS 5

2012 in Basel

2011 in Uppsala, attached to ECAS 4

2010 in London

2009 in Leipzig, attached to ECAS 3

2008 in Paris

2007 in Leiden


ELIAS activities


ELIAS Impressions from the Tervuren 2016 meeting:



ELIAS impressions from the Paris 2015 meeting at Bibliothèque universitaire des langues et civilisations (BULAC):


All pictures by H.Bergenthum except (*) by J.Damen (ASC Leiden)


but ECAS Panel His14 seems to be planned on Wedn. 12 June, start time 16.:00 hr.


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